So how does this work?
We'll get to that in a minute.
For now, here's the truth:
We know you didn't come here to commit to a new fad diet or because you thought it would be fun to try healthy-eating.
And you certainly didn't land here by accident.
You came because you understand the need for change.
Where you are now is not where you want to be.
This is good news.
Identifying and accepting the truth is the first step.
The next step is determining if you want to commit.
Really commit.
You didn't get to where you are overnight and unfortunately, the truth is-you won't heal that quickly either.
But one bite and thought at a time, you CAN eat and think yourself back to health.
It's important to remember this is NOT a fad diet, an attempt at healthy-eating or a "cleanse".
This is a lifestyle transition where we relearn (or learn for the first time) how to eat the foods that God gave us to eat and to think the thoughts he designed us to think.
So here's how we are going to do it-
Okay, so here's how this works-
Real Food REBOOT is designed to help you make lasting lifestyle and dietary changes
one day at a time.
We will work in 3 phases, each one lasting thirty days.
This gives us time to adapt to each new habit and build upon a solid foundation.
You will progressively work your way towards better health as you grow confident in small changes that equal big gains.
After 90 days, you will have mastered prepping, planning and preparing real food!
You will have also slowly integrated 12 new healthy habits into your wellness regimen!
We are getting away from ready-made, man-made & processed foods.
We are avoiding preservatives, additives, artificial flavors, food coloring and the most common toxic food triggers.
We are beginning to stare negative thought patterns straight in the face and call them what they are- self destructive.

We are considering the nutrient value of every bite, being mindful of how our body is changing and practicing a self-care regimen.
We are implementing new ways to train our brains to default to optimism and choose faith over fear and worry.

We have transitioned into the most universally beneficial diet- one comprised of predominately whole plant foods and we are establishing a lifelong wellness routine.
We are exercising gratitude for our bodies for being so amazing at regeneration.
Our faith is growing right alongside of our health.

We are going to commit to discovering the BEST version of ourselves.
We will pray with and for you- and help keep you accountable.
We are going to think- before every bite.
And if we slip up, we are going to recommit.
We are going to learn everything we can about food- the good, the bad & the ugly so we can stay informed and inspired.
This helps shape our decision-making and is crucial for success.
And then we are going to repeat.
Until we are restored and thriving.
It may take weeks, may take months and in some cases even longer.
The great news is- our bodies and our minds were made for this!
We will provide the strategies.
You provide the willpower.
"If you're not getting better, you're either staying the same or getting worse."
Your choice.
We're committed to getting better.