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Green Goodness



Week 4

Can you believe it? 

The final week of Square 1! 




Have you ever wondered why you think the way you do? Do you doubt yourself? That you could ever actually achieve the life you were meant to live? Yeah, me too! Doubt is a dream-killer. Fear is a liar. The voices inside of our heads are so loud that on most days, we can't even discern the lies.

Well that same voice that tells you to quit, the same voice that tells you that you're not good enough or you're too far gone, the voice that tells you that it's not worth the effort and that you won't succeed CAN be retrained! I am proof.

Whether I was born a pessimist or made one at some point in my life, that's still questionable. The point is that over the past 7 years, I have retrained my thoughts. It's a crazy concept when you think about it. Our brain creates our thoughts but we can tell our brain what to think. How? I'm stumped. But I do know it works.

Here's the deal people- 

We are at the end of Square 1.

But we are still in the very infancy of the journey towards optimal health.

If you're anything like I was (and still have a tendency to default to) you will need to begin the uphill battle of retraining your thought processes. 

It goes something like this.

"I will never be able to (insert your doubt here). I'm not one of those people that could actually sustain this lifestyle. I'll fail in the summer when things get too busy. I'll never (insert another doubt here). What's wrong with me that I can't make this happen?"

I'm sure that sounds familiar to some degree to all of us. Whatever the lie is- I believe- If you're breathing, God has a purpose for you.

This body is the only one you've got! 

Make it count.

Think only as far ahead as the next meal you'll make or the next bite you'll take.

Practice positive self-talk. And pray like crazy.

God will give you His nature- that is truthful, gentle and kind.

When you notice negativity rising up, about ANYTHING, squash the thought. Literally tell yourself (out loud) "Nope, not gonna go there." Eventually, this will become your new normal. The negativity, doubt and fear still rear their ugly heads but they'll know who's boss!

But only if you tell them!

Check out this quick 5 minute quirky video that sums it up. This subject is so broad and can be applied to every area of your life... and can be as equally life-changing as a healthy diet! 

And below is a great, 13 minute illustration of the predicament we are in today with our eating patterns and how we got into this predicament in the first place.

 Both are worth watching! 


"Automatic Thoughts"

"One Meal at a Time"



Now, on to the food!!! 

B&W Bulb
This week's Reboot Reality- The mind is a battlefield
The Real Food Reboot Approach: About
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