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Image by Brooke Lark


Image by Kristina Bratko


Healing happens, one bite at a time

Dear Rebooter,

I've been in your shoes.

Oh yes- I remember staring at a list of excluded foods, thinking "What am I supposed to eat?"  

It does seem overwhelming at first because we are so used to eating all of the foods on the "foods to avoid" list. 

Some of us have operated on auto-pilot for a lifetime. 

But trust me, if a cheese-loving, sugar queen can survive (and satisfyingly sustain) without these foods- you can too!

I promise.

It's said that it takes your taste buds 16 times to decide if you like a new food.  You can and will begin to retrain your taste buds.

I rarely, if ever crave sugar anymore- and that is a huge victory in my book! 


There are occasionally situations where you really aren't sure which list a particular food would fall on.

In this case, ask yourself "did this come from the ground?"  If yes, eat it! 

Healthy eating made easy (er). 

In Health,



foods to include

(a lot of)

  • Any and all fresh, organic fruits & vegetables

  • Very small quantities of dried, unsulfured fruits (these are high in sugar so be conservative)

  • All nuts & seeds (unsalted and preferably raw) 

  • Organic, free-range or pastured eggs

  • Unsweetened nut milks (homemade is easy & best as it does not contain additives like carrageenan, locust bean, gellan or xanthan gum- which are hard on your digestive system)

  • Gluten-free flours- preferably organic (garbanzo bean, millet, almond, banana, buckwheat, coconut etc)

  • Gluten-free "grains" (organic brown rice, quinoa (is really a seed), brown rice ramen, gluten-free pastas made without corn) 

  • Gluten-free oatmeal

  • Organic, grass fed beef, chicken and turkey

  • Vegan butter (use sparingly)

  • Coconut aminos

  • Tahini

  • Any and all spices

  • Avocado mayo

  • Organic ketchup (in very small quantities)

  • Organic mustard

  • Raw honey (must be raw and/or local as there are limited regulations on honey and it's possible it's nothing more than corn syrup from China... roll of the eyes)

  • Organic maple syrup (in very small quantities)

  • Cold-pressed, unrefined & organic oils (yes to avocado, coconut, extra virgin cold pressed olive, sesame- NO canola, soy, corn, safflower or sunflower)

  • Herbal teas

  • Fresh pressed juice  


Foods to avoid

(please spare your body)

  • Prepared foods

  • Dairy (in all forms- milk, yogurt, butter, cheese etc)

  • Gluten ( think pastas, breads, wheat flour out- it's hidden in lots of things)

  • Refined sugar ( sugar that is naturally occurring in fruits is fine- processed sugar is not)

  • Caffeine

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Non-organic meat 

  • Fish (except the very occasional wild-caught variety)

  • Soy

  • Corn ( the occasional organic, sprouted corn is fine)

Hot tip:

The Environmental Working Group releases a list of the "dirtiest" foods every year. 

These foods are highly contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and GMO's.

You can download their app and have it on hand.

The EWG is a great resource to help us understand the use of chemicals present in our food, personal use, cleaning & household products.

Check out their site here:

The DIRTY dozen

(always buy organic)

  1. strawberries

  2. spinach

  3. kale

  4. nectarines

  5. apples

  6. grapes

  7. peaches

  8. cherries

  9. pears

  10. tomatoes

  11. celery

  12. potatoes

The CLEAN fifteen

(these are considered safe to buy conventional/ non-organic)

The * indicates that a small amount of these crops are GMO but are not heaving sprayed with pesticides.

  1. avocados

  2. sweet corn*

  3. pineapple

  4. onions

  5. papayas*

  6. sweet peas- frozen

  7. eggplants

  8. asparagus

  9. cauliflower

  10. cantaloupe

  11. broccoli

  12. mushrooms

  13. cabbage

  14. honeydew melon

  15. kiwi

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